Yvonne Friedrich M. Sc.

Research Associate - Yvonne Friedrich is doing her PhD on touch effects in preterm babies. She studied psychology and neuroscience in Dresden and is training to become a psychological psychotherapist. Before joining the lab in September 2021, she worked as a science journalist for the YouTube channel "Psychologeek". After work, she likes to cycle or writes articles for the student magazine "Psycho-Path”.​


Since 2021: Training as a psychological psychotherapist, Institute for Behavioral Therapy, Jena, Germany.

2017 to 2021: M. Sc. in Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience, TU Dresden

2019: Semester abroad, Master in Neuroscience, University of Helsinki

2014 to 2017: B. Sc. in Psychology, TU Dresden

2014: High school diploma, Meldorfer Gelehrtenschule



2021 to present: Research Associate, Department of clinical psychology, Friedrich Schiller University, Dresden, Germany

2020 to 2021: Freelance Science Journalist at "Psychologeek", web format of SWR

2020: Research Assistant, Neuromarker Research Group, Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden

2018 to 2019: Student Assistant, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention, TU Dresden

2018: Intern, Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry, Helios Klinikum Schleswig, Germany

2017 and 2018: research intern & assistant, German Child Pain Center, Witten/Herdecke University, Datteln, Germany

2017 to 2018: Research Intern, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston, USA

2015 to 2017: Student Assistant, Department of methods in psychology and cognitive modeling, TU Dresden, Germany

Teaching Activities:

2015 to 2016: Tutorial Leader in "Introduction to Methods in Psychology" & "Experimental Design and Sampling", Department of Methods in Psychology and Cognitive Modeling, TU Dresden



  • Donado, C., Friedrich, Y., Kossowsky, J., Locher, C., & Koechlin, H. (2020). Exposure to Parental Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Analysis on the Association with Adolescents' Depressive Symptoms and Adjustment Problems. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 41(7),. 522-533.
  • Stahlschmidt, L., Friedrich, Y., Zernikow, B., & Wager, J. (2018). Assessment of Pain-related Disability in Pediatric Chronic Pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(12), 1173-1179


  • Friedrich, Y., Zurakowski, D., Sieberg, C. B., Logan, D. E., Sethna, N. (2019, Juni). Diagnosing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in Children: Evaluation of the Budapest Criteria Posterpräsentation auf dem International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (ISPP) in Basel, Schweiz
  • Wihak, T., Turrisi, T., Friedrich, Y., Coakley, R. M., Donado, C. (2018, September). Building Congruence: Evaluating Catastrophizing Between Mothers and Fathers Before and After Parent Training via The Comfort Ability Pain Management Workshop. Poster auf dem World Congress ofPain in Boston, USA
  • Turrisi, T., Friedrich, Y., Donado, C., Wihak, T., Coakley, R. M. (2018, September). Evaluatingafter a brief pediatric pain intervention. Poster auf dem World Congress of Pain in Boston, USA
  • Stahlschmidt, L., Friedrich, Y., Zernikow, B., Wager, J. (2017, Oktober). Diagnostik schmerzbezogener Beeinträchtigung bei Jugendlichen mit chronischen Schmerzen. Vergleichbarkeit zweier Erfassungsinstrumente. Poster auf dem deutschen Schmerzkongress in Mannheim,Deutschland


  • Friedrich, Y. (2019, Oktober). Exposure to parental depression: A longitudinal analysis on the association with adolescents’ depressive symptoms and adjustment problems. Symposiumsvortrag auf der International conference on emotions, well-being, and health (EMOTIONS) in Tilburg,Niederlande

Scholarships and Awards:

2022: Ehrenfried Walter von Tschirnhaus Certificate for outstanding achievements in master studies, TU Dresden.

2021: Graduate Award of the Faculty of Psychology, TU Dresden

2016-2020: Scholarships from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (studies, stays abroad in Boston and Helsinki, participation in the ISPP congress)

2019: Funding for EMOTIONS conference participation, Society of Friends and Sponsors of the TU Dresden

2017: Werner Straub Award for outstanding performance in the bachelor's program in psychology, TU Dresden.

2017: Karl-und-Charlotte-Bühler-Prize for excellent teaching in the tutorial "Introduction to the Methods of Psychology", TU Dresden

2014: Book prize for the best baccalaureate, Meldorfer Gelehrtenschule