Seit 1817 das erste Mal wieder komplett: die "Bibliotheca Electoralis", Bild vom 18.01.2008. Foto: Peter Scheere/FSU


Hier finden Sie die Publikationen unserer MitarbeiterInnen der letzten 5 Jahre
Seit 1817 das erste Mal wieder komplett: die "Bibliotheca Electoralis", Bild vom 18.01.2008. Foto: Peter Scheere/FSU
Foto: Peter Schere
  • 2025
    • Friedrich, Y., Faresse, S., Henning, C., Trotter, P. D., Ackerley, R., & Croy, I. (2025). Measuring differences in social touch: Development and validation of the short Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire (TEAQ-s). Personality and Individual Differences, 233, 112890. Link
    • Beutler-Traktovenko, Sarah; Franz, Marcel; Daniels, Judith; Schellong, Julia; Weidner, Kerstin; Croy, Ilona; ,Dissociative episodes and concurrent heart rate in patients with PTSD–An ecological momentary assessment,Psychiatry Research,,,116345,2025,Elsevier
    • Voelter, Jella; Postin, Danilo; Croy, Ilona; Hurlemann, Rene; Scheele, Dirk; ,A neural signature of touch aversion and interpersonal problems in Borderline Personality Disorder,medRxiv,,,2025.01. 10.25320260,2025,Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    • Cao, Y., Lizano, P., Li, M., Chand, T., Sun, H., Zhou, X., ... & Jia, Z. (2025). White matter microstructural and inflammation-based subgroups in bipolar disorder II depression differentiate in depressive and psychotic symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 368, 493-502.
  • 2024


    • Saluja, Supreet; Croy, Ilona; Gruhl, Anne; Croy, Alexander; Kanbaty, Majid; Hellmann, Andreas; Stevenson, Richard J; ,"Facial disgust in response to touches, smells, and tastes.",Emotion,24,1,2,2024,American Psychological Association
    • Heller, Carina; Güllmar, Daniel; Koeppel, Carina J; Rojczyk, Philine; Stein, Heidemarie; Taylor, Caitlin M; Jacobs, Emily G; Derntl, Birgit; Kikinis, Zora; Walter, Martin; ,Hippocampal volume and affect in response to fluctuating estrogens in menstrual cycle irregularity: a longitudinal single-subject study,npj Women's Health,2,1,19,2024,Nature Publishing Group UK London
    • Schäfer, Laura; Sorokowska, Agnieszka; Weidner, Kerstin; Sauter, Jürgen; Schmidt, Alexander H; Croy, Ilona; ,Body odours as putative chemosignals in the father-child relationship: New insights on paternal olfactory kin recognition and preference from infancy to adolescence,Physiology & Behavior,278,,114505,2024,Elsevier
    • Owsienko, Diana; Goppelt, Lisa; Hierl, Katharina; Schäfer, Laura; Croy, Ilona; Loos, Helene M; ,Body odor samples from infants and post-pubertal children differ in their volatile profiles,Communications Chemistry,7,1,53,2024,Nature Publishing Group UK London
    • Amedick, Greta; Krylova, Marina; Mayer, Kathrin; Izyurov, Igor; Herrmann, Luisa; Martens, Louise; Kasties, Vanessa; Heller, Johanna; Li, Meng; van der Meer, Johan; ,Association among childhood adversity and susceptibility to interference during varying salience: two studies in healthy males,Scientific reports,14,1,7050,2024,Nature Publishing Group UK London
    • Rottstädt, Fabian; Becker, Eduard; Wilz, Gabriele; Croy, Ilona; Baumeister, Harald; Terhorst, Yannik; ,Enhancing the acceptance of smart sensing in psychotherapy patients: findings from a randomized controlled trial,Frontiers in Digital Health,6,,1335776,2024,Frontiers Media SA
    • Schäfer, Laura; Croy, Ilona; ,663 Emotions and Olfaction,The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions,,,663-680,2024,Oxford University Press
    • Saluja, Supreet; Croy, Ilona; Stevenson, Richard J; ,The Functions of Human Touch: An Integrative Review,Journal of Nonverbal Behavior,,,1-31,2024,Springer US
    • Schäfer, Laura; Köppel, Carina; Kreßner-Kiel, Denise; Schwerdtfeger, Sarah; Michael, Marie; Weidner, Kerstin; Croy, Ilona; ,The scent of cuteness-Neural signatures of infant body odors,Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,,,nsae038,2024,Oxford University Press UK
    • Bierling, Antonie; Croy, Ilona; Dee, Regine; Drobnick, Jim; Hatt, Hanns; März, Lea; Thiel, Thomas; Waldvogel, Florian; ,Odor: Immaterielle Skulpturen,,,,,2024,Dr. Cantz'sche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Company KG
    • Gallistl, Mathilde; Handke, Lydia; Kungl, Melanie; Gabler, Sandra; Croy, Ilona; Vrticka, Pascal; Engert, Veronika; ,Securely Stressed: Association between Attachment and Empathic Stress in Romantic Couples,,,,,2024
    • De Felice, Sara; Chand, Tara; Croy, Ilona; Engert, Veronika; Goldstein, Pavel; Holroyd, Clay B; Kirsch, Peter; Krach, Sören; Ma, Yina; Scheele, Dirk; ,Relational Neuroscience: insights from hyperscanning research,Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,,,105979,2024,Pergamon
    • Rottstädt, F; Becker, E; Wilz, G; Croy, I; Baumeister, H; Terhorst, Y; ,Enhancing the acceptance of smart sensing in,Current Status of and Future Directions for Assessing Technology Acceptance for Digital (Mental) Health Interventions,,,66,2024,Frontiers Media SA
    • Schirmer, Annett; Croy, Ilona; Liebal, Katja; Schweinberger, Stefan R; ,Non‐verbal effecting–animal research sheds light on human emotion communication,Biological Reviews,,,,2024,"Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK"
    • Bierling, Antonie Louise; Doering, Stephan; Weidner, Kerstin; Pape, Magdalena; Kessler, Henrik; Hofmann, Tobias; Rose, Matthias; Imbierowicz, Katrin; Geiser, Franziska; Rademacher, Jörg; ,The interplay of personality pathology and treatment outcome in psychosomatic psychotherapy: A longitudinal analysis using latent change score modelling,Comprehensive Psychiatry,135,,152532,2024,WB Saunders
    • Gallistl, Mathilde; Hamann, Johanna; Croy, Ilona; Vrticka, Pascal; Engert, Veronika; ,"Relationship as resource or burden? Associations of attachment style, relationship quality and dyadic coping with acute psychosocial stress in the presence of the romantic partner",bioRxiv,,,2024.10. 21.618832,2024,Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
    • Bierling, Antonie Louise; Rehfeld, Jule; Weichold, Karina; Croy, Ilona; ,Predictors of school burnout among German high school students,Discover Psychology,4,1,1-12,2024,Springer International Publishing
    • Gebele, Nomi; Croy, Ilona; Bräuer, Juliane; ,Odor‐Based Recognition of Canine Stress: Investigating Human Olfactory Perception,Journal of Sensory Studies,39,6,e70002,2024,"John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, USA"
    • Wesarg-Menzel, C., Gallistl, M., Niconchuk, M., & Engert, V. (2024). Reflections on the Study of Empathy in a Sample of Refugees and Migrants from Arabic-speaking Countries with Diverse Experiences of War-related Trauma.Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 100253.
    • Wesarg-Menzel, C., Gallistl, M., Niconchuk, M., Böckler, A., O’Malley, B., & Engert, V. (2024). Compassion buffers the association between trauma exposure and PTSD symptom severity: Findings of a cross-sectional study.Psychoneuroendocrinology, 165, 107036.
    • Gallistl, M., Linz, R., Puhlmann, L. M., Singer, T., & Engert, V. (2024). Evidence for differential associations of distinct trait mindfulness facets with acute and chronic stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 166, 107051.
    • Gallistl, M., Kungl, M., Gabler, S., Kanske, P., Vrticka, P., & Engert, V. (2024). Attachment and inter-individual differences in empathy, compassion, and theory of mind abilities. Attachment & Human Development, 1-16.
    • Wintermann, G. B., Bierling, A. L., Peters, E. M., Abraham, S., Beissert, S., & Weidner, K. (2024). Psychosocial stress affects the change of mental distress under dermatological treatment—A prospective cohort study in patients with psoriasis. Stress and Health, 40(1), e3263.
    • Bierling, A. L., Rehfeld, J., Weichold, K., & Croy, I. (2024). Predictors of school burnout among German high school students. Discover Psychology, 4(1), 1-12.
    • Bierling, A. L., Doering, S., Weidner, K., Pape, M., Kessler, H., Hofmann, T., ... & Croy, I. (2024). The interplay of personality pathology and treatment outcome in psychosomatic psychotherapy: A longitudinal analysis using latent change score modelling. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 135, 152532.
    • Sailer, U., Friedrich, Y., Asgari, F., Hassenzahl, M., & Croy, I. (2024). Determinants for positive and negative experiences of interpersonal touch: context matters. Cognition and Emotion, 1-22. Link
    • Baumbach, P., Storch, P., Weiss, T., Meissner, W., & Rottstädt, F. (2024). Interdisziplinäre multimodale Schmerztherapie: Macht die Dosis einen Unterschied?. Der Schmerz, 1-8.
    • Weiss, T. (2024). Schmerzverstärkung durch schmerzassoziierte Sprache [Pain amplification through pain-associated speech]. MSK Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie, 28(03), 167-175. Link 
    • Baumbach P., Storch P., Weiss T, Meissner M., Rottstädt F. (accepted). Interdisziplinäre multimodale Schmerztherapie: Macht die Dosis einen Unterschied? - Ein Vergleich aus der klinischen Routineversorgung. Der Schmerz.
    • Thomas P., Weiss T., Meissner W., Baumbach P. (accepted). Was ist ausschlaggebend für die Gesamtqualität der postoperativen Schmerztherapie? Ein Frage der Perspektive. Der Schmerz.
    • Lendaro E., ..., Weiss T., Ortiz-Catalan (accepted). Extended reality used in the treatment of phantom limb pain: A multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Pain.
    • Geisler, M., Weiß, T. (2024) Schmerzverarbeitung im Ausdauersport. In: Pinel, J.P.J., Barnes, S.J., Pauli, P., Gamer, M. (Hrsg.) Biopsychologie. 11. Aufl. München: Pearson; 2024: 241-242.
    • Xiao H*, Cao Y*, Lizano P, Li M; Sun H, Zhou X, Deng G, J Li, Chand T, Jia Z; Walter M, Qiu C (2024). Interleukin-1β moderates the relationships between middle frontal- mACC /insular connectivity and depressive symptoms in bipolar II depression. Brain Behavior and Immunity. Link
    • Kraft, M.Z.; Rojczyk, P.; Weiss, T.; Derntl, B.; Kikinis, Z.; Croy, I.; Heller, C. Symptoms of mental disorders and oral contraception use: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 2024, 72, 101111. DOI: Link.
    • Geisler, M., de la Cruz, F., Makris, N., Billah, T., Zhang, F., Tathi, Y., O'Donnel, L.J., Bouix, S., Herbsleb, M., Bär, K-J., Kikinis, Z., Weiss, T. (2024) Brains of endurance athletes differ in the association areas but not in the primary areas. Psychophysiology 61 (4): e14483. DOI: Link
    • Brodhun, C., Borelli, E., Weiss T. (2024) Neural correlates of word processing influenced by painful primes. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0295148. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295148
    • Croy, I.; Heller, C.; Akello, G.; Anjum, A.; Atama, C.; Avsec, A.; Bizumic, B.; Borges Rodrigues, R.; Boussena, M.; Butovskaya, M (2024) COVID-19 and social distancing: A cross-cultural study of interpersonal distance preferences and touch behaviors before and during the pandemic, Cross-Cultural Research, 58, 1, 41-69, 2024, "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA"
    • Gellrich, J.; Messer, V.; Lohrer, E. C.; Zickmüller, C.; Croy, I.; Schlage, S.; Rüdiger, M.; Schriever, V. A. (2024) Vanilla odor promotes oral feeding in premature infants–A randomized controlled trial,Physiology & Behavior, 274,,114417, 2024, Elsevier
  • 2023
    • Blasberg, J. U., Gallistl, M., Degering, M., Baierlein, F., & Engert, V. (2023). You look stressed: A pilot study on facial action unit activity in the context of psychosocial stress. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 15, 100187.
    • Croy, I., & Bierling, A. L. (2023). Gerüche als Kommunikationspfade–warum Emotionen durch die Nase gehen. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 102(S 01), S93-S100.
    • Doering, S., Herpertz, S., Pape, M., Hofmann, T., Rose, M., Imbierowicz, K., ... Bierling, A.L., ... & Kessler, H. (2023). The multicenter effectiveness study of inpatient and day hospital treatment in departments of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Germany. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, 1155582.
    • Rottstädt, F., Becker, E., Wilz, G., Croy, I., Baumeister, H., & Terhorst, Y. (2023). Enhancing the Acceptance of Smart Sensing in Psychotherapy Patients: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Digital Health, 6, 1335776. 
    • Wutzler, U.; Croy, I.; Anderssen-Reuster, U.; Bierling, A.; Dörner, S.; Hoffmann, T.; Meinlschmidt, G.; Rauchfuß, M.; Rothe, H. M.; Ulrich, C.; ,Gesundheitsinventar Psychosomatik: Psychosomatische Basisdokumentation zur Qualitätssicherung im stationären Alltag,Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie,69,1,56-75, 2023, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG Göttingen
    •  Walter, K. V.; Conroy-Beam, D.; Buss, D. M.; Asao, K.; Sorokowska, A.; Sorokowski, P.; Aavik, T.; Akello, G.; Alhabahba, M. M.; Alm, C. (2023) Correction to:‘Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios’(2023) by Walter et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290, 2003, 20231513, 2023, The Royal Society
    •  Javaheripour, N.; Colic, L.; Opel, N.; Li, M.; Maleki Balajoo, S.; Chand, T.; Van der Meer, J.; Krylova, M.; Izyurov, I.; Meller, T. (2023) Altered brain dynamic in major depressive disorder: state and trait features, Translational Psychiatry, 13, 1, 261, 2023, Nature Publishing Group UK London
    • Schäfer, L.; Croy, I. (2023) An integrative review: Human chemosensory communication in the parent-child relationship, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,,,105336,2023, Pergamon
    • Heller, C.; Güllmar, D.; Koeppel, C. J.; Rojczyk, P.; Stein, H.; Taylor, C. M.; Jacobs, E. G.; Derntl, B.; Kikinis, Z.; Walter, M. (2023) Hippocampal volume and affect in response to fluctuating estrogens in menstrual cycle irregularity: A longitudinal single-subject study,,,,,2023
    •  Croy, I.; Bierling, A. (2023) Gerüche als Kommunikationspfade–warum Emotionen durch die Nase gehen [Smells as Communication Pathways–why Emotions Pass through the Nose],,,,,2023
    • Loos, H. M.; Schaal, B.; Pause, B. M.; Smeets, M. A. M.; Ferdenzi, C.; Roberts, S. C.; de Groot, J.; Lübke, K. T.; Croy, I.; Freiherr, J. (2023) Past, Present, and Future of Human Chemical Communication Research, Perspectives on Psychological Science ,,,17456916231188147,2023, "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA"
    • Kraft, M. Z.; Rojczyk, P.; Weiss, T.; Derntl, B.; Kikinis, Z.; Croy, I.; Heller, C. (2023) Symptoms of mental disorders and oral contraception use: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology,,,101111, 2023 ,Academic Press
    • Mahmut, M. K.; Classen, C. P.; Croy, I.; Hummel, T. (2023) Smelling an odor present during PMR does not impact heart rate during a stressful cognitive task, Journal of Sensory Studies,,,e12889,2023, "John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, USA"
    • Beutler, S.; Croy, I. (2023) Psychophysiological reactions during the trauma-film paradigm and their predictive value for intrusions,European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14, 2, 2281753, 2023, Taylor & Francis
    • Drnovsek, E.; Rommel, M.; Bierling, A. L.; Croy, A.; Croy, I.; Hummel, T. (2023) An olfactory perceptual fingerprint in people with olfactory dysfunction due to COVID-19, Chemical Senses,,,bjad050, 2023, Oxford University Press UK
    • Heller, C.; Gaser, C.; Colic, L.; Javaheripour, N.; de la Cruz, F.; Rojczyk, P.; Koeppel, C.; Ganjgahi, H.; Lange, F.; Buck, A. C. (2023) Hormonal dynamics shape brain structural plasticity across the menstrual cycle: Insights from dense-sampling structural brain imaging of females with and without endometriosis,,,,, 2023
    • Weiss, T.; Koehler, H.; Croy, I. (2023) Pain und Reorganization after Amputation: Is Interoceptive Prediction a Key? Neuroscientist 2023, 29, 665-675. DOI: 10.1177/10738584221112591.
    • Ritter, C.; Geisler, M.; Blume, K.R.; Nehrdich, S.; Hofmann, G.O.; Koehler, H.; Miltner, W.H.R.; Weiss, T. (2023) Stimulation of peroneal nerves reveals maintained somatosensory representation in transtibial amputees. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1240937
    • Luomajoki, H.; Morf, R.; Weiss, T. Die Größe der Placebo-Effekte in klinischen Studien: Konsequenzen für die Praxis [The amount of placebo effects in clinical studies: consequences for the clinical practice]. MSK Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie 2023, 27, 279-284.
    • Sen, Z. D., Chand, T., Danyeli, L. V., Kumar, V. J., Colic, L., Li, M., ... & Walter, M. (2023). The effect of ketamine on affective modulation of the startle reflex and its resting-state brain correlates. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13323.
    • Koehler, H., Croy, I., & Oleszkiewicz, A. (2023). Late blindness and deafness are associated with decreased tactile sensitivity, but early blindness is not. Neuroscience.
    • Herrmann, T., Koeppel, C., Linn, J., Croy, I., & Hummel, T. (2023). Olfactory brain activations in patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Scientific Reports13(1), 10072.
    • Norheim, A.J.; Borud, E.; Mercer, J.B.; de Weerd, L.; Weiss, T.; Wilsgaard, T. Botulinum Toxin A in the treatment of frostbite sequelae – results from a blinded, early-phase, comparative trial. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023, 82, 2189556. DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2023.2189556.
    • Weiss, T.; Luomajoki, H.; Geisler, M. Trainingsinduzierte Hypoalgesie im Ausdauersport [Training-induced hypoalgesia in endurance sports]. MSK Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie 2023, 27, 92-99. DOI: 10.1055/a-2030-8988.
    • Weiß, T. Einfluss von Sprache auf Schmerz. Wie schmerzassoziierte Wörter die Schmerzintensität verändern. Schmerzmedizin 2023, 39, 20-24. DOI: 10.1007/s00940-023-4210-5
    • Huang, S., Croy, A., Bierling, A. L., Khavrus, V., Panes-Ruiz, L. A., Dianat, A., ... & Cuniberti, G. (2023). Machine learning-enabled graphene-based electronic olfaction sensors and their olfactory performance assessment. Applied Physics Reviews, 10(2).
    • Wintermann, G. B., Bierling, A. L., Peters, E. M., Abraham, S., Beissert, S., & Weidner, K. (2023). Psychosocial stress affects the change of mental distress under dermatological treatment—A prospective cohort study in patients with psoriasis. Stress and Health.
    • Wutzler, U., Croy, I., Anderssen-Reuster, U., Bierling, A., Dörner, S., Hoffmann, T., ... & Rose, M. (2023). Gesundheitsinventar Psychosomatik: Psychosomatische Basisdokumentation zur Qualitätssicherung im stationären Alltag. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 69(1), 56-75.
    • Saluja, Supreet; Croy, Ilona; Gruhl, Anne; Croy, Alexander; Kanbaty, Majid; Hellmann, Andreas; Stevenson, Richard J; ,"Facial disgust in response to touches, smells, and tastes.",Emotion,,,,2023,American Psychological Association
    • Wilzok, Nicolas; Adamic, Emily M; Khalsa, Sahib S; Croy, Ilona; ,Multidimensional assessment of anticipated and experienced interoceptive states,Physiology & Behavior,,,114265,2023,Elsevie
    • Schirmer, Annett; Croy, Ilona; Ackerley, Rochelle; ,What are C-tactile afferents and how do they relate to “affective touch”?,Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,,,105236,2023,Pergamon
    • Croy, Ilona; Bierling, Antonie; ,Gerüche als Kommunikationspfade–warum Emotionen durch die Nase gehen,Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie,102,S 01,S93-S100,2023,Georg Thieme Verlag KG
    • Sorokowska, Agnieszka; Kowal, Marta; Saluja, Supreet; Aavik, Toivo; Alm, Charlotte; Anjum, Afifa; Asao, Kelly; Batres, Carlota; Bensafia, Aicha; Bizumic, Boris; ,Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world,Scientific Reports,13,1,5497,2023,Nature Publishing Group UK London
    • Wutzler, Uwe; Croy, Ilona; Anderssen-Reuster, Ulrike; Bierling, Antonie; Dörner, Stefan; Hoffmann, Thilo; Meinlschmidt, Gunther; Rauchfuß, Martina; Rothe, Hans-Martin; Ulrich, Cornelia; ,Gesundheitsinventar Psychosomatik: Psychosomatische Basisdokumentation zur Qualitätssicherung im stationären Alltag,Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie,69,1,56-75,2023,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG Göttingen
    • Gruhl, Anne; Saluja, Supreet; Stevenson, Richard; Croy, Ilona; ,Effects of sickness manipulation on disgust and pleasantness in interpersonal touch,Psychological Research,87,5,1454-1465,2023,Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin/Heidelberg
    • Mesaroli, G., McLennan, L., Friedrich, Y., Stinson, J., Sethna, N., & Logan, D. (2023). Signs and symptoms of pediatric complex regional pain syndrome-type 1: A retrospective cohort study. Canadian Journal of Pain, 7(1), 2179917.
    • Guo ZP, Chen L, Tang LR, Gao Y, Chand T, Sen ZD, Li M, Walter M, Wang L, Liu CH. Association between decreased interhemispheric functional connectivity of the insula and duration of illness in recurrent depression. J Affect Disord. 2023 Feb 23:S0165-0327(23)00251-3. 
    • Danyeli LV, Sen ZD, Colic L, Kurzweil L, Gensberger-Reigl S, Macharadze T, Götting F, Refisch A, Liebe T, Chand T, Kretzschmar M, Wagner G, Opel N, Jollant F, Speck O, Munk MHJ, Li M, Walter M. Association of the delayed changes in glutamate levels and functional connectivity with the immediate network effects of S-ketamine. Transl Psychiatry. 2023 Feb 16;13(1):60.
    • Zerekidze A, Li M, Javaheripour N, Huff L, Weiss T, Walter M, Wagner G. Neural Correlates of Impaired Cognitive Control in Individuals with Methamphetamine Dependence: An fMRI Study. Brain Sciences 2023; 13: 197.
    • Doering, Stephan; Herpertz, Stephan; Hofmann, Tobias; Rose, Matthias; Imbierowicz, Katrin; Geiser, Franziska; Croy, Ilona; Weidner, Kerstin; Rademacher, Jörg; Michalek, Silke; ,What Kind of Patients Receive Inpatient and Day-Hospital Treatment in Departments of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in Germany?,Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics,92,1,49-54,2023,Karger Publishers
    • Sorokowski, Piotr; Kowal, Marta; Sternberg, Robert J; Aavik, Toivo; Akello, Grace; Alhabahba, Mohammad Madallh; Alm, Charlotte; Amjad, Naumana; Anjum, Afifa; Asao, Kelly; ,"Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries",Scientific Reports,13,1,773,2023,Nature Publishing Group UK London
  • 2022


    • Volk, G.F.; Döhler, M.; Klinger, C.M.; Weiss, T.; Guntinas-Lichius, O. Sensory function in the faces of patients with facial palsy: A prospective observational study using quantitative sensory testing. Frontiers in Pain Research 2022, 3, 1041905. DOI: 10.3389/fpain.2022.1041905.
    • Hummel, Thomas; Croy, Ilona; Georgiopoulos, Charalampos; Haehner, Antje; ,Olfactory disorders and consequences,Flavor,,,437-457,2022,Woodhead Publishing
    • Beutler, Sarah; Ladner, Liliana R; Hummel, Thomas; Croy, Ilona; ,A New Method for a Shorter and Valid Assessment of Olfactory Threshold in Repeated Measurement Designs Based on the Sniffin’Sticks Test,Chemosensory Perception,,,1-9,2022,Springer U
    • Sorokowska, Agnieszka; Saluja, Supreet; Kafetsios, Konstantinos; Croy, Ilona; ,"Interpersonal distancing preferences, touch behaviors to strangers, and country-level early dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spread.",American Psychologist,77,1,124,2022,American Psychological Association
    • Patel, Zara M; Holbrook, Eric H; Turner, Justin H; Adappa, Nithin D; Albers, Mark W; Altundag, Aytug; Appenzeller, Simone; Costanzo, Richard M; Croy, Ilona; Davis, Greg E; ,International consensus statement on allergy and rhinology: Olfaction,International forum of allergy & rhinology,12,4,327-680,2022
    • Schirmer, Annett; Cham, Clare; Zhao, Zihao; Lai, Oscar; Lo, Clive; Croy, Ilona; ,"Understanding sex differences in affective touch: Sensory pleasantness, social comfort, and precursive experiences",Physiology & Behavior,250,,113797,2022,Elsevier
    • Karl, Marlene; Weidner, Kerstin; Croy, Ilona; ,Burnout oder Depression?–Erfahrungen aus der Burnout-Sprechstunde in der Hochschulambulanz,PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie,72,,,2022,Georg Thieme Verlag KG
    • Schirmer, Annett; Cham, Clare; Zhao, Zihao; Croy, Ilona; ,What makes touch comfortable? An examination of touch giving and receiving in two cultures,Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,,,01461672221105966,2022,"SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA"
    • Gruhl, Anne; Saluja, Supreet; Stevenson, Richard; Croy, Ilona; ,Effects of sickness manipulation on disgust and pleasantness in interpersonal touch,Psychological Research,,,1-12,2022,Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    • Püschel, Isabella; Reichert, Jörg; Friedrich, Yvonne; Bergander, Jörg; Weidner, Kerstin; Croy, Ilona; ,Gentle as a mother's touch: C-tactile touch promotes autonomic regulation in preterm infants,Physiology & Behavior,257,,113991,2022,Elsevier
    • Goehring, D; Goeckenjan, M; Goehring, I; Sauter, J; Schmidt, A; Kressner-Kiel, D; Croy, I; ,Does infertility relate to Human Leucocyte Antigen similarity?-a genetic analysis based on 609 couples,HUMAN REPRODUCTION,37,,I186-I186,2022,"OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND"
    • Beutler, Sarah; Mertens, Yoki L; Ladner, Liliana; Schellong, Julia; Croy, Ilona; Daniels, Judith K; ,Trauma-related dissociation and the autonomic nervous system: a systematic literature review of psychophysiological correlates of dissociative experiencing in PTSD patients,European Journal of Psychotraumatology,13,2,2132599,2022,Taylor & Francis
    • Lohrer, Elisabeth C; Dworschak, Annika; Croy, Ilona; Gellrich, Janine; Sabha, Maha; Parisato, Luca; Schriever, Valentin A; ,Children’s Personal Significance of Olfaction—the ChiPSO Questionnaire,Chemosensory Perception,,,1-11,2022,Springer US
    • Volk GF, Döhler M, Klinger CM, Weiss T, Guntinas-Lichius O. Sensory function in the faces of patients with facial palsy: A prospective observational study using quantitative sensory testing. Frontiers in Pain Research 2022; 3 (in press)
    • de la Cruz F, Geisler M, Schumann A, Herbsleb M, Kikinis Z, Weiss T, et al. Central autonomic network alterations in male endurance athletes. Scientific reports 2022; 12: 16743 (in press)
    • Geisler M, Weiss T. Schmerzmodulation durch Ausdauerschmerz. Manuelle Medizin 2022; 60: 143-150, doi: 10.1007/s00337-022-00866-2
    • Croy I, Fairhurst M T, McGlone F. The role of C-tactile nerve fibers in human social development, Elsevier, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences Feb 2022,
    • Ernst, J., Weiss, T., Wanke, N., Frahm, J., Felmerer, G., Farina, D., Schilling, A., Wilke, M.A. Case report: Plasticity in central sensory finger representation and touch perception after microsurgical reconstruction of infraclavicular brachial plexus injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022; 16: 793036.
    • Fairhurst, M. T., McGlone, F., Croy, I. "Affective touch: a communication channel for social exchange" Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43, 54-61 
    • Schäfer L, Croy I. Emotion and Olfcation. In: T. K. Shackleford & L. Al-Shawaf (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions. Oxford University Press, 2022; in press.
    • Schellong J, Epple F, Lorenz P, Ritschel G, Croy I, Lenk M, Maertens G, Böhm U, Weidner K. Häusliche Gewalt und Partnerschaftsgewalt–eine Herausforderung im Gesundheitssektor, Thieme Psychiatr Prax, 2022, doi: 10.1055/a-1630-461
    • Schirmer A, Croy I, Schweinberger S R. Social touch—a tool rather than a signal, Elsevier, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Apr 2022,
    • von Korn, K., Weiss T., von Piekartz, H. Effekte von präoperativer neurobiologischer Edukation auf das postoperative Outcome. Ein systematisches Review. Der Schmerz 2022; 36: 406-421
  • 2021
    • Bendas, J., Ree, A., Pabel, L., Sailer, U., Croy, I. "Dynamics of affective habituation to touch differ on the group and individual level" Neuroscience, 464, 44-52
    • Bendas J, Croy I. The impact of touch on bonding and neurodevelopment, ScienceDirect, Factors Affecting Neurodevelopment 2021, 561 – 568,
    • Bierling, A. L., Croy, I., Hummel, T., Cuniberti, G., & Croy, A. (2021). Olfactory Perception in Relation to the Physicochemical Odor Space.
    • Bierling A S, Weidner K, Croy I, Doering S, Herpertz S. Latent Change Score Modeling as a Method to Study the Effectiveness of (partially) inpatient psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic Treatment in a naturalistic clinical Sample, Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 2021, Bd 67, 159 - 160
    • Brodhun, C., Borelli, E., & Weiss, T. (2021). Influence of acute pain on valence rating of words. PLoS ONE, 16(3), e0248744. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0248744
    • Beutler, S., Ladner, L. R., Hummel, T., Croy, I. "A New Method for a Shorter and Valid Assessment of Olfactory Threshold in Repeated Measurement Designs Based on the Sniffin´Sticks Test" Chemosensory Perception, 1-9
    • Chen, B., Zhong, X., Zhang, M., Mai, N., Wu, Z., Chen, X., ... Croy, I., Hummel T. & Ning, Y. (2021). The additive effect of late-life depression and olfactory dysfunction on the risk of dementia was mediated by hypersynchronization of the hippocampus/fusiform gyrus. Translational psychiatry11(1), 1-12.
    • Croy, I., Fairhurst, M. T., McGlone, F. "The role of C-tactile nerve fibers in human social development" Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 43, 20-26
    • Chen, Ben, Cara Benzien, Vanda Faria, Yuping Ning, Mandy Cuevas, Jana Linke, Ilona Croy, Antje Haehner, and Thomas Hummel. "Symptoms of Depression in Patients with Chemosensory Disorders." ORL (2021): 1-9.
    • Croy, Ilona; Morrison, India.The Science of Social and Affective Touch, Neuroscience 464, 1-2, 2021
    • …, Davey CG, Meyer B, Bartova L, Croy I… Altered resting-state functional connectome in major depressive disorder: a mega-analysis from the PsyMRI consortium, Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 7;11(1):511.doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01619-w.
    • …, Epple F, Lorenz P, Ritschel G, Croy I… International Consensus Statement in Allergy and Rhinology: Olfaction, International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 23 Nov 2021,
    • Franz, M., Schmidt, B., Hecht. H., Naumann, E., Miltner, W, H. R. (in press). Suggested visual blockade during hypnosis: Top-down modulation of stimulus processing in a visual oddball task. PLoS One.
    • Franz, M., Naumann, E., & Miltner, W. H. R. (in press). Suggerierte Taubheit unter Hypnose. Eine Studie über auditorische und visuelle hirnelektrische Potentiale. Hypnose - Zeitschrift für Hypnose und Hypnotherapie
    • Geisler M, Ritter A, Herbsleb M, Bär K-J, Weiss T. Neural mechanisms of pain processing differ between endurance athletes and nonathletes: A functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging study. Hum Brain Mapp 2021; 42: 5927-42. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25659
    • Geisler, M., Rizzoni, E., Makris, N., Pasternak, O., Rathi, Y., Bouix, S., . . . Kikinis, Z. (2021). Microstructural alterations in medial forebrain bundle are associated with interindividual pain sensitivity. Hum. Brain Mapp., 42(4), 1130-1137. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25281Externer Link
    • Gossrau G, Klimova A, Lapp H S, Frost M, Peschel E, Weidner K, Koch T, Sabatowski R, Croy I. C-tactile touch perception in patients with chronic pain disorders, Pain Rep. 2021 Jun 30;6(2):e941.doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000941. eCollection Jul-Aug 2021.
    • Heller, C., Weiss, T., del Re, E. C., Swago, S., Coman, I. L., Antshel, K. M., . . . Kikinis, Z. (2021). Smaller subcortical volumes and enlarged lateral ventricles are associated with higher global functioning in young adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome with prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 301, Art 113979. doi: Link
    • Hierl, K., Croy, I., Schäfer, L., "Body Odours Sampled at Different Body Site in Infants and Mothers - A Comparision of Olfactory Perception" Brain Sciences 11 (6) 820
    • Hirt AR, Croy I, Joraschky P, Kreßner-Kiel D, Schellong J, Wolff S, Keller A, Hanßke A, Noack R, Schiling C, Coenen A, Weidner K. Effectivity of Inpatient and Day-clinic Psychosomatic-Psychotherapeutic Treatment, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 24 Nov 2021, doi: 10.1055/a-1559-4359
    • Holtmann, O., Franz, M., Moenig, C., Tenberge J-G., Preul, C., Schwind, W., Bruchmann, M., Melzer, N., Miltner, W. H. R., Straube, T. (in press). The effects of emotional valence and intensity on cognitive and affective empathy after insula lesionsExterner Link. bioRxiv 2021.03.28.436842; doi: 10.1101/2021.03.28.436842Externer Link.
    • Holtmann, O., Franz, M., Moening, C., Tenberge, J-D., Schloßmacher, I., Ivanova, I. Preul, C, Schwindt, W., Melzer, N., Miltner, W. H. R., Straube, T. (in press). Lateralized deficits in arousal processing after insula lesions: behavioral and autonomic evidence. bioRxiv  2021.03.24.436828; doi: 10.1101/2021.03.24.436828Externer Link. (Cortex
    • Hummel, K. V., Schellong, J., Trautmann, S., Kummer, S., Hürring, S., Klose, M., .... "The predictive role of hair cortisol concentrations for treatment outcome in PTSD inpatients" Psychoneuroendocrinology, 105326
    • Kessler, M., Hewig, J. S., Hecht, H. Miltner, W. H. R. (in press). Reaction to near misses and full losses in pathological gamblers. Scientific Reports
    • Koeppel, C. J., Herrmann, T., Weidner, K., Linn, J., Croy, I., "Same salience, different consequences: Disturbed inter-network connectivity during a social oddball paradigm in major depressive disorder" NeuroImage: Clinical, 102731
    • Lapp, H. S., Croy, I. "Insights from the German Version of the Social Touch Questionnaire: How Attitude towards Social Touch relates to Symptoms of Social Anexiety" Neuroscience, 464, 133-142
    • Lin, H., Miltner, W. H. R., Straube, T. (in press). Trait anxiety predicts amygdalar responses during direct processing of threat-related pictures. Scientific Reports.
    • Liu, David T; Pellegrino, Robert; Sabha, Maha; Altundag, Aytug; Damm, Michael; Poletti, Sophia C; Croy, Ilona; Haehner, Antje; Oleszkiewicz, Anna; Cuevas, M; Factors associated with relevant olfactory recovery after olfactory training: a retrospective study including 601 participants, Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie,100, S 02, 2021, Georg Thieme Verlag KG
    • Oleszkiewicz, Anna; Suhle, Paulina; Haehner, Antje; Croy, Ilona; ,"Prior exposure to Hedione, a model of pheromone, does not affect female ratings of male facial attractiveness or likeability", Physiology & Behavior, 113458,2021, Elsevier
    • Ruser, P., Koeppel, C. J., Kitzler, H. H., Hummel, T., & Croy, I. (2021). Individual odor hedonic perception is coded in temporal joint network activity. NeuroImage, 117782.
    • Schäfer, L., Schriever, V. A., & Croy, I. (2021). Human olfactory dysfunction: causes and consequences. Cell and Tissue Research, 1-11.
    • Schirmer, A., Chiu, M. H., Croy, I. "More than one kind: Different sensory signatures and functions divide affectiionate touch" Emotion
    • Schmidt, B., Schneider, J., Deffner, T., & Rosendahl, J. (2021). Hypnotic suggestions of safety improve well-being in non-invasively ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Medicine Link
    • Schmidt, B., & Holroyd, C. B. (2021). Hypnotic suggestions of safety reduce neuronal signals of delay discounting. Scientific Reports, 11, 2706. Link
    • Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., ... & Croy, I. (2021). Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167220988373.
    • Sorokowska A, Saluja S, Kafetsios K, Croy I. Interpersonal distancing preferences, touch behaviors to strangers, and country-level early dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spread, Am Psychol. 2021 Nov 22.doi: 10.1037/amp0000919
    • Sorokowska A, Stefanczyk M M, Plachetka J, Dudojc O, Ziembik K, Chabin D, Croy I. Touch-Avoidance and Touch-Seeking in Non-intimate Relationships: The Null Effects of Sightedness, October 2021 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 115(4):0145482X2110476 doi:10.1177/0145482X211047625
    • Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Karwowski, M., Groyecka, A., Aavik, T., Akello, G., ... & Sternberg, R. J. (2021). Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 countries. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(1), 106-115.
    • Vorwerk-Gundermann, L., & Miltner, W. H. R. (in press). Therapie motorischer Störungen. In M. Linden & M. Hautzinger (Eds.), Verhaltenstherapiemanual. Erwachsene. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger
    • Waschulewski-Florus, H., Miltner, W. H. R., & Haag, G. (in press). Therapie motorischer Störungen. In M. Linden & M. Hautzinger (Eds.), Verhaltenstherapiemanual. Erwachsene. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger
    • Weidner K, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Coenen A, Croy I, Bittner A. Improvement of Mental Health and Bonding in Women with Mental Disorders in the Postpartum Period-Evaluation of an Interaction-Centered Treatment of a Mother-Baby Day Clinic, Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 2021 Jul; 71(7): 274-283.doi: 10.1055/a-1283-6422
    • Weiss T, Bär K-J. Schmerzphänomene bei Depression. Schmerzpatient 2021; 4: 172-86
  • 2020
    • Beßler R, Bendas J, Sailer U, Croy I. The “Longing for Interpersonal Touch Picture Questionnaire”: Development of a new measurement for touch perception. International Journal of Psychology 2020;55(3):446-455
    • Bytomski A, Ritschel G, Bierling A, Bendas J, Weidner K, Croy I. Maternal stroking is a fine-tuned mechanism relating to C-tactile afferent activation: An exploratory study. Psychology & Neuroscience 2020
    • Croy I, Bierling A, Sailer U, Ackerley R. Individual variability of pleasantness ratings to stroking touch over different velocities. Neuroscience 2020
    • Croy I, Hummel T. Involvement of nasal trigeminal function in human stereo smelling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020;117(42):25979-25979
    • Croy I, Ritschel G, Kreßner-Kiel D, Schäfer L, Hummel T, Havlíček J, Sauter J, Ehninger G, Schmidt AH. Marriage does not relate to major histocompatibility complex: a genetic analysis based on 3691 couples. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2020;287(1936):20201800
    • Danioth L, Brotschi G, Croy I, Friedrich H, Caversaccio M-D, Negoias S. Multisensory environmental sensitivity in patients with chronic tinnitus. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2020:110155
    • Franz, M., Schmidt, B., Hecht, H., Naumann, E., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2020). Suggested deafness during hypnosis and simulation of hypnosis compared to a distraction and control condition: A study on subjective experience and cortical brain responses. Plos One, 15(10). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0240832
    • Geisler M, Herbsleb M, Bär K-J, Weiss, T. Dissociation of Endogenous Pain Inhibition Due to Conditioned Pain Modulation and Placebo in Male Athletes Versus Nonathletes. Frontiers in psychology 2020; 11: Art. No. 553530. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.553530
    • Geisler M, Eichelkraut L, Miltner WHR, Weiss, T. An fMRI study on runner’s high and exercise-induced hypoalgesia after a 2-h-run in trained non-elite male athletes. Sport Sci Health 2020; 16: 159-167. doi:10.1007/s11332-019-00592-8
    • Han P, Croy I, Raue C, Bensafi M, Larsson M, Cavazzana A, Hummel T. Neural processing of odor-associated words: an fMRI study in patients with acquired olfactory loss. Springer, August 2020 Brain Imaging and Behavior 14 (Suppl 1) doi:10.1007/s11682-019-00062-2
    • Heller, C., Steinmann, S., Levitt, J. J., Makris, N., Antshel, K. M., Fremont, W., Coman, I.L., Schweinberger, S.R., Weiss, T., ..., Kikinis, Z. (2020). Abnormalities in white matter tracts in the fronto-striatal-thalamic circuit are associated with verbal performance in 22q11.2DS. Schizophrenia Research, 224, 141-150. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.09.008
    • Holtmann, O., Bruchmann, M., Monig, C., Schwindt, W., Melzer, N., Miltner, W. H. R., & Straube, T. (2020). Lateralized Deficits of Disgust Processing After Insula-Basal Ganglia Damage. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01429
    • Koeppel, C. J., Ruser, P., Kitzler, H., Hummel, T., & Croy, I. (2020).  Interoceptive accuracy and its impact on neuronal responses to  olfactory stimulation in the insular cortex. Human Brain Mapping,  41(11), 2898–2908. Link
    • Lapp HS, Croy I. Insights from the German Version of the Social Touch Questionnaire: How Attitude towards Social Touch relates to Symptoms of Social Anxiety. Neuroscience 2020
    • Lapp HS, Sabatowski R, Weidner K, Croy I, Gossrau G. C-tactile touch perception in migraineurs–a case-control study. Cephalalgia 2020;40(5):478-492
    • Lin, H. Y., Müller-Bardorff, M., Gathmann, B., Brieke, J., Mothes-Lasch, M., Bruchmann, M., Miltner, W. H. R., Straube, T. (2020). Stimulus arousal drives amygdalar responses to emotional expressions across sensory modalities. Scientific Reports, 10(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58839-1
    • Liu D, Pellegrino R, Sabha M, Altundag A, Damm M, Poletti S, Croy I, Hähner A, Oleszkiewicz A, Mandy C. Factors associated with relevant olfactory recovery after olfactory training: a retrospective study including 601 participants. Rhinology 2020
    • Pabel LD, Murr J, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Null Effect of Olfactory Training With Patients Suffering From Depressive Disorders—An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry 2020;11:593
    • Ree A, Bendas J, Pabel L, Croy I, Sailer U. Right between the eyes: Corrugator muscle activity tracks the changing pleasantness of repeated slow stroking touch. Physiology & Behavior 2020:112903
    • Sailer U, Hausmann M, Croy I. Pleasantness only? How sensory and affective attributes describe touch targeting C-tactile fibers. Experimental Psychology 2020;67(4):224
    • Schäfer L, Sorokowska A, Sauter J, Schmidt AH, Croy I. Body odours as a chemosignal in the mother–child relationship: new insights based on an human leucocyte antigen-genotyped family cohort. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 2020;375(1800):20190266
    • Schäfer L, Sorokowska A, Weidner K, Croy I. Children’s Body Odors: Hints to the Development Status. Frontiers in Psychology 2020;11:320
    • Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, Karwowski M, Groyecka A, Aavik T, Akello G, Alm C, Amjad N, Anjum A, Asao K. Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 countries. The Journal of Sex Research 2020:1-10
    • Strauss T, Bytomski A, Croy I. The Influence of Emotional Closeness on Interindividual Touching. JOURNAL OF NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR 2020
    • Stub T., Kiil M. A., Lie B., Kristoffersen A. E., Weiss T., Hervik J. B., Musial F. Combining psychotherapy wieth craniosacral therapy for severe traumatized patients: A qualitaative study from an outpatient clinic in Norway. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2020; 49:102320
    • Walter KV, Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba MM, Alm C. Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication. Psychological Science 2020;31(4):408-423
    • Weiss T. Strategien zur Erzeugung positiver Heilungseffekte. Schmerzpatient 2020; 3: 179-182
    • Zou L-Q, Vogt O, Schriever VA, Croy I, Schaal B, Hummel T. Decreasing prevalence of specific anosmia to non-steroid odorants from childhood to adolescence. Physiology & Behavior 2020;218:112833
  • 2019
    • Ackerley R, Croy I, Olausson H, Badre G. Investigating the Putative Impact of Odors Purported to Have Beneficial Effects on Sleep: Neural and Perceptual Processes. Chemosensory Perception 2019:1-13
    • Badre G, Wloszczynski M, Croy I. Neural activation of putative sleep-wake affecting and relaxing promoting odors. Sleep Medicine 2019;64:S19
    • Beutler S, Ritschel G, Schellong J, Croy I, Daniels JK. Objective Markers of Posttraumatic Dissociation, Proceedings of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY, Vol. 10: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON …, 2019
    • Can S, Cantarero K, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Croy I…Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries, Scientific reports, 2019 -, 2019 Nov 15;9(1): 16885.doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52748-8
    • …. Cantarero K, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Croy I…. Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation, Elsevier, Evolution and Human Behavior Volume 40, Issue 5, September 2019, Pages 479-491
    • Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba MM, Alm C, Amjad N. Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries. Scientific reports 2019;9(1):1-13
    • Conroy-Beam D, Roney JR, Lukaszewski AW, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba MM. Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation. Evolution and Human Behavior 2019;40(5):479-491
    • Croy I, Mohr T, Weidner K, Hummel T, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Mother-child bonding is associated with the maternal perception of the child's body odor. Physiology & behavior 2019;198:151-157
    • Croy I, I Sehlstedt, HB Wasling, R Ackerley, Olausson H. Gentle touch perception: From early childhood to adolescence, Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2019 Feb; 35: 81-86.doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2017.07.009
    • Daniels JK, Schulz A, Schellong J, Han P, Rottstädt F, Diers K, Weidner K, Croy I. Gray Matter Alterations Associated With Dissociation in Female Survivors of Childhood Trauma. Frontiers in psychology 2019;10:738
    • Donner L, Sorokowska A, Sauter J, Schmidt A, Croy I. Olfaction as a moderator of parent-child bonding: New insights on the base of a HLA genotyped family cohort, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 44: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. E8-E8
    • Geisler M., Eichelkraut L., Miltner W. H. R., Weiss T., Expection of exercise in trained athletes results in a reduction of central processign to nociceptive stimulation. Behav. Brain Res. 2019; 356:314-21
    • Geisler M., Eichelkraut L., Miltner W. H. R., Weiss T., An fMRI study on runner´s high and exercise induced hypoalgesia after a 2-h-run in trained non-elite male athletes. Sport Sci Health. 2019;
    • Han P, Hummel T, Raue C, Croy I. Olfactory loss is associated with reduced hippocampal activation in response to emotional pictures. Neuroimage 2019;188:84-91
    • Henker J, Keller A, Reiss N, Siepmann M, Croy I, Weidner K. Early maladaptive schemas in patients with somatoform disorders and somatization. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 2019;26(4):418-429
    • Herrmann T, Koeppel C, Linn J, Croy I, Hummel T. Response to pleasant and unpleasant odors in patients with Major Depressive Disorder, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 44: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. E10-E11
    • Koeppel C, Ruser P, Kitzler H, Hummel T, Croy I. Interoceptive accuracy and its relation to insular activity following olfactory stimulation, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 44: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. E59-E59
    • Lapp HS, Croy I, Gossrau G. Triptan Intake Normalizes Altered C-tactile Habituation In Migraineurs, Proceedings of the CEPHALALGIA, Vol. 39: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. 164-164
    • Lenk M, Ritschel G, Abele M, Roever P, Schellong J, Joraschky P, Weidner K, Croy I. The source effect as a natural function of disgust in interpersonal context and its impairment in mental disorders. Scientific reports 2019;9(1):1-10
    • Mahmut MK, Croy I. The role of body odors and olfactory ability in the initiation, maintenance and breakdown of romantic relationships–A review. Physiology & behavior 2019;207:179-184
    • Mahmut MK, Croy I. Editorial for special issue" Olfaction in interpersonal relationships". Physiology & behavior 2019;210:112628
    • Menzel S, Hummel T, Schäfer L, Hummel C, Croy I. Olfactory change detection. Biological Psychology 2019;140:75-80
    • Nothnagel H., Menard M. B., Kvarstein G., Norheim A. J., Weiss T., Puta C., Mist S., Musial F., Recruitment and inclusion procedures as "pain killers" in clinical trails? Journal of pain research 2019; 12:2027-37
    • Oleszkiewicz A, Croy I, Schriever V, Haehner A, Hummel T. Presence of undetected olfactory loss in the general population-based on a large sample of 9139 subjects, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 44: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. E47-E48
    • Oleszkiewicz A, Schriever V, Croy I, Hähner A, Hummel T. Updated Sniffin’Sticks normative data based on an extended sample of 9139 subjects. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2019;276(3):719-728
    • Ritter, A., Franz, M., Miltner, W. H. R., & Weiss, T. (2019). How words impact on pain. Brain and Behavior, 9(9). doi:10.1002/brb3.1377
    • Sailer U, Bierling A, Croy I, Ackerley R. Individual stability of pleasantness ratings for stroking touch, 2019
    • Schäfer L, Hummel T, Croy I. The design matters: How to detect neural correlates of baby body odors. Frontiers in neurology 2019;9:1182
    • Schäfer L, Mehler L, Hähner A, Walliczek U, Hummel T, Croy I. Sexual desire after olfactory loss: Quantitative and qualitative reports of patients with smell disorders. Physiology & behavior 2019;201:64-69
    • Schäfer L, Schellong J, Hähner A, Weidner K, Hüttenbrink KB, Trautmann S, Hummel T, Croy I. Nocturnal Olfactory Stimulation for Improvement of Sleep Quality in Patients With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Exploratory Intervention Trial. Journal of traumatic stress 2019;32(1):130-140
    • Schmidt, B., Kessler, L., Hecht, H., Hewig, J., Holroyd, C. B., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2019). What you give is what you get: Payment of one randomly selected trial induces risk-aversion and decreases brain responses to monetary feedback. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(1), 187-196. doi:10.3758/s13415-018-00656-1
    • Strauss T, Kämpe R, Hamilton JP, Olausson H, Rottstädt F, Raue C, Croy I. Deactivation of default mode network during touch. Scientific reports 2019;9(1):1-11
    • Strauss T, Rottstädt F, Sailer U, Schellong J, Hamilton JP, Raue C, Weidner K, Croy I. Touch aversion in patients with interpersonal traumatization. Depression and anxiety 2019;36(7):635-646
    • Triscoli C, Croy I, Sailer U. Depression predicts interpersonal problems partially through the attitude towards social touch. Journal of affective disorders 2019;246:234-240
    • Wloszczynski M, Ruser P, Hummel T, Croy I. Olfactory bulb volume (OBV) is not associated with intensity of cortical activation, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 44: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2019. pp. E64-E64
  • 2018
    • Badre G, Olausson H, Ackerley R, Croy I. Brain functional MRI (fMRI) study of fragrance inhalation. Any impact on sleep/wake/reward-related brain areas?, Proceedings of the JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, Vol. 27: WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2018
    • Badre G, Croy I, Olausson H, Ackerley R. A pilot study on a possible impact of aromas on sleep quality in subjects with mild to moderate insomnia, Proceedings of the JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, Vol. 27: WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2018
    • Baumbach, P. Götz, T, Günther A, Weiss T, Meissner W. Chronic intensive care-related pain: Exploratory analysis on predictors and influence on health-related quality of life. European Journal of Pain 2018
    • Bendas J, Hummel T, Croy I. Olfactory function relates to sexual experience in adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2018;47(5):1333-1339
    • Blume K, Dietrich C, Hofmann GO, Miltner WHR, Weiss T. Persistierende Schmerzen und kortikale Reorganisation nach Makroreplantationen der oberen Extremität. Der Schmerz 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00482-018-0271-0
    • Blume KR, Racz J, Franz M, Dietrich C, Puta C, Freidel R, Hofmann GO, Miltner WHR, Weiss T. Quantitative Sensory Testing after Macroreplantation: Evidence for a Specific Somatosensory Profile. Pain 2018; DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001210
    • Cavazzana A, Röhrborn A, Garthus-Niegel S, Larsson M, Hummel T, Croy I. Sensory-specific impairment among older people. An investigation using both sensory thresholds and subjective measures across the five senses. PloS one 2018;13(8):e0202969
    • Croy I, Pietrowski D, Kroemer J, Sorokowska A, Hummel T. You smell so good! Biology overrules familiarity in women, but not in men, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 43: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2018. pp. E77-E78.
    • Croy I, Mohr T, Weidner K, Hummel T, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Mother-child bonding is associated with body odor perception. Physiology & behavior 2018
    • De Nunzio A. M., Schweinsfurth M. A., Ge N., Falla D., Hahne J., Gödecke K., Petzke F., Siebertz M., Dechent P., Weiss T., Flor H., Graimann B., Aszmann O. C., Farina D., Relieving phantom limb pain with multimodal sensory motor training. Journal of Engineering. 2018; 15(6): 066022
    • Dietrich C, Nehrdich S, Zimmer A, Ritter A, Hofmann GO, Miltner WHR, Weiss T. Referred cramping phantom hand pain elicited in the face and eliminated by peripheral nerve block. Experimental Brain Research 2018; DOI: 10.107/s00221-018-5262-y
    • Dietrich C, Nehrdich S, Seifert S, Blume KR, Miltner WHR, Hofmann GO, Weiss T. Leg prosthesis with somatosensory feedback reduces phantom limb pain and increases functionality. Frontiers in Neurology 2018; DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00270
    • Donner L, Schellong J, Haehner A, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Nocturnal Olfactory Stimulation for Improvement of Sleep Quality in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Exploratory Intervention Trial, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 43: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2018. pp. E49-E50
    • Han P, Croy I, Raue C, Bensafi M, Larsson M, Cavazzana A, Hummel T. Enhanced neural processing during odor imagery in olfactory-loss patients: an fMRI study, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 43: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2018. pp. E230-E230
    • Hirtz, R, Weiss T, Huonker R, Witte OW. Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on somatosensory transfer learning: When the secondary somatosensory cortex comes into play. Brain Research 2018; 1689:98-108
    • Hirtz R., Weiss T., Huonker R., Witte O. W. Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on structural plasticity of the somatosensory system. Jouranl of Neuroscience Research. 2018; 96:1367-78
    • Jönsson EH, Kotilahti K, Heiskala J, Wasling HB, Olausson H, Croy I, Mustaniemi H, Hiltunen P, Tuulari JJ, Scheinin NM. Affective and non-affective touch evoke differential brain responses in 2-month-old infants. Neuroimage 2018;169:162-171
    • Lapp HS, Croy I, Gossrau G. C-tactile touch perception and habituation in migraineurs, Proceedings of the JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN, Vol. 19: SPRINGEROPEN CAMPUS, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON, N1 9XW, ENGLAND, 2018
    • Menzel S, Croy I, Hummel T. Olfactory change detection. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 2018;97(S 02):10430
    • Müller-Bardorff, M., Bruchmann, M., Mothes-Lasch, M., Zwitserlood, P., Schlossmacher, I., Hofmann, D., Miltner, W. H. R., Straube, T. (2018). Early brain responses to affective faces: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Neuroimage, 178, 660-667. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.081
    • Murr J, Hummel T, Ritschel G, Croy I. Individual Significance of Olfaction: A Comparison Between Normosmic and Dysosmic People. Psychosomatics 2018;59(3):283-292
    • Pabel LD, Hummel T, Weidner K, Croy I. The impact of severity, course and duration of depression on olfactory function. Journal of affective disorders 2018;238:194-203
    • Pabel LD, Murr J, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Olfactory Training with Clients suffering from Depressive Disorders, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 43: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2018. pp. E30-E30
    • Peterburs, J., Hofmann, D., Becker, M. P. I., Nitsch, A. M., Miltner, W. H. R., & Straube, T. (2018). The role of the cerebellum for feedback processing and behavioral switching in a reversal-learning task. Brain and Cognition, 125, 142-148. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2018.07.001
    • Preissler, S., Dietrich, C., Seifert, S., Hofmann, G. O., Miltner, W. H. R., & Woss, T. (2018). The Feeling Prosthesis-Somatosensory Feedback from the Prosthesis Foot Reduces Phantom Limb Pain Dramatically. Pain Medicine, 19(8), 1698-1700. doi:10.1093/pm/pnx295
    • Richter M., Weiss T. Der Einfluss von Schmerzwörtern auf die Schmerzverarbeitung. Schmerzpatient. 2018; 1(4): 168-75
    • Rottstaedt F, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Pre-aging of the olfactory bulb in major depression with high comorbidity of mental disorders. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2018;10:354.
    • Rottstädt F, Han P, Weidner K, Schellong J, Wolff‐Stephan S, Strauß T, Kitzler H, Hummel T, Croy I. Reduced olfactory bulb volume in depression—A structural moderator analysis. Human brain mapping 2018;39(6):2573-2582
    • Rottstaedt F, Weidner K, Strauß T, Schellong J, Kitzler H, Wolff-Stephan S, Hummel T, Croy I. Size matters–The olfactory bulb as a marker for depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018;229:193-198
    • Schmidt, B., Warns, L., Hellmer, M., Ulrich, N., & Hewig, J. (2018). What makes us feel good or bad: Mood induction and individual differences in a job interview setting. Journal of Individual Differences
    • Schmidt, B., Keßler, L., Hecht, H., Hewig, J., Holroyd, C. B., & Miltner, W. H. R. (accepted). What you give is what you get: Payment of one randomly selected trial induces risk-aversion and decreases brain responses to monetary feedback. CABN. doi: 10.3758/s13415-018-00656-1
    • Schmidt, B., Kanis, H., Holroyd, C. B., Miltner, W. H. R., & Hewig, J. (accepted). Anxious gambling: Anxiety is associated with higher frontal midline theta predicting less risky decisions
    • Schriever VA, Gellrich J, Rochor N, Croy I, Cao-Van H, Rüdiger M, Hummel T. Sniffin’away the feeding tube: The influence of olfactory stimulation on oral food intake in newborns and premature infants. Chemical senses 2018;43(7):469-474
    • Sens E., Franz M., Preul C., Meissner W., Witte O. W., Miltner W. H. R., Weiss T., Effects of temporary functional deafferentation in chronic stroke patients: Who prifits more? Neural Plasticity. 2018; Art-ID 7392024
    • Sorokowska A, Pietrowski D, Schäfer L, Kromer J, Schmidt AH, Sauter J, Hummel T, Croy I. Human Leukocyte Antigen similarity decreases partners' and strangers' body odor attractiveness for women not using hormonal contraception. Hormones and Behavior 2018;106:144-149
    • Wegener B A, Croy I, Hähner A, Hummel T. Olfactory training with older people, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Jan;33(1):212-220.
    • Weiss T. Prothese mit Rückmledung erhöht Funktionalität und reduziert Phantomschmerz. Z. Handther. 2018; 21(1):45-55
  • 2017
    • Baumbach, P., Götz, T., Günther, A., Weiss, T., Meissner, W. (2017). Somatosensory Functions in Survivors of Critical Illness. Critical Care Medicine, 45(6), e567-e574. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002309
    • Becker, M. P. I., Simon, D., Miltner, W. H. R., & Straube, T. (2017). Altered activation of the ventral striatum under performance-related observation in social anxiety disorder. Psychological Medicine, 47(14), 2502-2512. doi:10.1017/s0033291717001076
    • Bendas J, Jönsson EH, Wessberg J, Olausson H, Wasling HB. The relation between human hair follicle density and touch perception.  2017
    • Bendas J, Hummel T, Weidner K, Croy I. Odor threshold relates to sexual pleasure, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 42: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2017. pp. E25-E25
    • Bendas J, Georgiadis JR, Ritschel G, Olausson H, Weidner K, Croy I. C-Tactile mediated erotic touch perception relates to sexual desire and performance in a gender-specific way. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017;14(5):645-653
    • Bendas J, Georgiadis J, Olausson H, Weidner K, Croy I. P-02-006 The roles of tactile and olfactory sensory inputs on sexual desire and performance. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017;14(4):e184
    • Brinkmann, L., Poller, H., Herrmann, M. J., Miltner, W., & Straube, T. (2017). Initial and sustained brain responses to threat anticipation in blood-injection-injury phobia. Neuroimage-Clinical, 13, 320-329. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2016.12.015
    • Croy I, Smith MG, Gidlöf-Gunnarsson A, Persson-Waye K. Optimal questions for sleep in epidemiological studies: comparisons of subjective and objective measures in laboratory and field studies. Behavioral sleep medicine 2017;15(6):466-482
    • Croy I, Hummel T. Olfaction as a marker for depression. Journal of neurology 2017;264(4):631-638
    • Croy I, Frackowiak T, Hummel T, Sorokowska A. Babies smell wonderful to their parents, teenagers do not: an exploratory questionnaire study on children’s age and personal odor ratings in a polish sample. Chemosensory perception 2017;10(3):81-87
    • Croy I, Bendas J, Wittrodt N, Lenk M, Joraschky P, Weidner K. Gender-specific relation between olfactory sensitivity and disgust perception. Chemical Senses 2017;42(6):487-492
    • Dietrich, C., Blume, K. R., Franz, M., Huonker, R., Carl, M., Preißler, S., Hofmann, G. O., Miltner, W. H. R., Weiss, T. (2017). Dermatomal organization of SI leg representation in humans: Revising the somatosensory homunculus. Cerebral Cortex, 27(9), 4564-4569
    • Flohr EL, Erwin E, Croy I, Hummel T. Sad man’s nose: Emotion induction and olfactory perception. Emotion 2017;17(2):369
    • Galle M, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Kunze J, Croy I, Bittner A, Weidner K. Psychotherapeutische Versorgung von Frauen in Schwangerschaft und Postpartalzeit: Evaluation und Inanspruchnahme. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2017;77(02):P13
    • Götz, T., Hanke, D., Huonker, R., Weiss, T., Klingner, C., Brodoehl, S., Baumbach, P., Witte, O. W. (2017). The influence of eye closure on somatosensory discrimination: a trade-off between simple perception and discrimination. Cerebral Cortex, 27(6), 3231-3239, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhx089
    • Haehner A, Maass H, Croy I, Hummel T. Influence of room fragrance on attention, anxiety and mood. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2017;32(1):24-28
    • Jönsson EH, Bendas J, Weidner K, Wessberg J, Olausson H, Wasling HB, Croy I. The relation between human hair follicle density and touch perception. Scientific reports 2017;7(1):1-10
    • Kessler, L., Hewig, J., Weichold, K., Silbereisen, R. K., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2017). Feedback negativity and decision-making behavior in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) in adolescents is modulated by peer presence. Psychophysiology, 54(2), 260-269. doi:10.1111/psyp.12783
    • Lenk M, Joraschky P, Abele M, Weidner K, Croy I. Ekel–die Grenze zwischen Selbst und Fremd. Eine Fragebogenstudie zum Ekel in Beziehungen bei psychisch Erkrankten und Gesunden. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2017;77(02):P18
    • Luong A, Bendas J, Etzi R, Olausson H, Croy I. The individual preferred velocity of stroking touch as a stable measurement. Physiology & behavior 2017;177:129-134
    • Menzel S, Hummel T, Hummel C, Croy I. Olfactory attention, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 42: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2017. pp. E42-E43
    • Mohr T, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Mother-child bonding is related to body odor perception, Proceedings of the CHEMICAL SENSES, Vol. 42: OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2017. pp. E30-E30
    • Müller P, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Weidner K, Croy I. Einfluss von Bindungsstörung auf die taktile Mutter-Kind-Interaktion. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2017;77(02):P8
    • Nothnagel, H., Puta, C., Baumbach, P., Menard M. B., Gabriel, B., Gabriel, H. H. W., Weiss, T., Musial, F. (2017) How stable are quantitative sensory testing measurements over time? Report on 10-week reliability and agreement of results in healthy volunteers. Journal of Pain Research, 10, 2067-2078
    • Preißler, S., Dietrich, C., Seifert, S., Hofmann, G. O., Miltner, W. H. R., Weiss, T. (2017) The feeling prosthesis - Somatosensory feedback from the prothesis foot reduces phantom limb pain dramatically - a case report. Pain Medicine 0: 1-3. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx295
    • Preißler, S., Thielemann, D., Dietrich, C., Hofmann, G. O., Miltner, W. H. R., Weiss, T. (2017) Preliminary evidence for training-induced changes of morphology and phntom limb pain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11(6), Art. 319. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00319
    • Schmidt, B., Mussel, P., Osinsky, R., Rasch, B., Debener, S. & Hewig, J. (2017). Work first then play: Prior task difficulty increases motivation-related brain reponses in a risk game. Biological Psychology. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.04.010
    • Schmidt, B., Holroyd, C. B., Debener, S. & Hewig, J. (2017). I can't wait! Neural reward signals in impulsive individuals exaggerate the difference between immediate and future rewards. Psychophysiology, 54, 409-415. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12796
    • Schmidt, B., Hecht, H., Naumann, E., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2017). The power of mind: Blocking visual perception by hypnosis. Scientific Reports, 7, 4889. open access: Link
    • Simon, D., Becker, M., Mothes-Lasch, M., Miltner, W. H. R., & Straube, T. (2017). Loud and angry: sound intensity modulates amygdala activation to angry voices in social anxiety disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(3), 409-416. doi:10.1093/scan/nsw131
    • Smith MG, Croy I, Ögren M, Hammar O, Lindberg E, Persson Waye K. Physiological effects of railway vibration and noise on sleep. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017;141(5):3262-3269
    • Triscoli C, Croy I, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Olausson H, Sailer U. Heart rate variability is enhanced by long-lasting pleasant touch at CT-optimized velocity. Biological Psychology 2017;128:71-81
    • Triscoli C, Croy I, Olausson H, Sailer U. Touch between romantic partners: Being stroked is more pleasant than stroking and decelerates heart rate. Physiology & behavior 2017;177:169-175
    • Venteicher AS, Kumar JI, Murphy EA, Gray ST, Holbrook EH, Curry WT. Phantosmia and dysgeusia following endoscopic transcribriform approaches to olfactory groove meningiomas. Journal of neurological surgery Part B, Skull base 2017;78(3):245
    • Walliczek-Dworschak U, Hummel T. The human sense of olfaction. Facial Plastic Surgery 2017;33(04):396-404
    • Weidner K, Galle M, Bittner A, Kunze J, Weber C, Croy I, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Psychotherapeutic care of women in pregnancy and peripartum: Evaluation and treatment utilization/Psychotherapeutische Versorgung von Frauen in Schwangerschaft und Postpartalzeit: Evaluation und Inanspruchnahme. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 2017;63(2):176-189
    • Weidner K, Galle M, Bittner A, Kunze J, Weber C, Croy I, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Psychotherapeutische Versorgung von Frauen in Schwangerschaft und Postpartalzeit: Evaluation und Inanspruchnahme. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 2017;63(2):176-188
    • Weidner K, Croy I, Siepmann T, Brähler E, Beutel M, Bittner A. Menopausal syndrome limited to hot flushes and sweating a representative survey study. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 2017;38(3):170-179
    • Weiss T. Phantomschmerz. Physiopraxis 2017; 15:26-31
    • Whitcroft K, Aziz M, Croy I, Schriever V, Hummel T. Short inter-stimulus intervals can be used for olfactory electroencephalography in patients of varying olfactory function. Neuroscience 2017;363:26-33